Our law firm's practice spans decades of work in energy generation, transmission, and end use. Our clients range from Fortune 200 companies and major universities to developers and commercial enterprises to individuals and non-profits. If you need lawyers that are experienced and knowledgeable in energy regulation and transactions our law firm can be of assistance.

Our energy lawyers have experience in renewable and conventional energy projects involving regulatory, transactional, judicial, and legislative matters. Our energy lawyers often appear on behalf of clients before the state public utility commissions and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, as more fully described on our Utility Practice page. We also represent clients in appeals to state and federal courts and can assist in local land use proceedings and approvals. We assist clients in a range of transactions including power purchase agreements and thermal sales agreements for renewable and conventional power projects and related corporate, financing and property agreements; retail and wholesale energy commodity sales and purchases; energy performance contracting; and independent system operator (ISO) interactions. We assist local governments in conducting competitive solicitations for awarding contracts for energy supply side and demand side products and services.
Rothfelder Stern Energy Law Practice includes a variety of engagements in commercial and institutional energy-related matters.
Ground-Mount Solar Arrays – Rothfelder Stern Energy Law Firm represented purchasers and site hosts in competitive solicitations for power purchase agreements in connection with 1MWdc and 5MWdc facilities and were engaged as applicable from bid preparation through commercial operation.
Natural Gas-Fired Cogeneration Facilities – our energy attorneys participated in the development and operational phases of non-utility generator projects, including as applicable permitting, contracts for electrical and thermal energy sales, financing, EPC execution, site leases, utility rate case participation, and facility sale; we assisted a client in deactivating a PJM generator in connection with a project restructuring.
Small Solar Arrays – our solar lawyers assisted a residential owner in selecting an installer of a ground-mount system and obtaining utility interconnection approval; we advised a house of worship on the installation of a roof-top solar array; we assisted a solar installer in submitting a complete SREC registration.
Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Project – we have been involved in the initial stages of a project involving RNG from a food waste digestion process.
Energy Performance Contracting – we have assisted local municipalities and school districts in competitive solicitations for the installation of energy efficiency measures such as replacement lighting and mechanical equipment.
Commodity Sales and Purchases – we have assisted commercial and industrial natural gas and electricity consumers in negotiating supply contracts for electricity and natural gas; acted as outside counsel to natural gas and electricity retail marketers, and assisted local units of government in the competitive solicitation of energy supply products.
Mergers & Acquisitions – our energy law firm have represented buyers of interests in renewable energy providers and competitive retail marketers.
Please contact us so we can bring our energy law and other experience to your issue, case, concern, problem, or opportunity.